Friday, February 20, 2009

Plaza Senayan Magazine 151

they choose this(above) for the cover
the rest is for inside fashion

gig and I did all the styling (thank you for MUSE, IVY, FIORUCCI, MASARI and LINEA)..photoshoot for PS(Plaza Senayan) magazine. when i was told that natalie loves it, i feel so relieved(yes, so much pressure) and so happy of how it turned out..YEY!!


  1. dia punya muka kayak karet..
    bisa dibikin sesuai mood gambar dan lighting
    kadang kayak anak kecil, kadang erotis..
    suka deh ma komposisi warna, set dan wardrobenya..colourfully misterious

  2. cant be more agree..she never complain and at that time when i said "maaf ya harus kotor2 duduk di lantai debuan", she said "it's okay, i'm cool, i haven't shower for almost two weeks anyway.."..dan kami tertawa bersama..
